Friday, May 16, 2008

My love affair with blur.

The part of the word addiction that pains me the most is add. An addition, A.D.D. Everything in my life has become an addiction an overindulgence. Its as if im straved for everything, and everything i do becomes intensified in my own destructive way. For example I developed some sort of OCD when it comes to things that waste my time, im obessed with things that bring me the most pleasure in the least ammount of time, and everyhting else in my life takes the backburner. This isnt jsut for small things this is for significant issues and practices that have dominated my life. I feel trapped in my addiction, an addiction too addiciton. I don't know how to live my life anyother way. Im not content with sitting down and readding a book, or wasting 1 hour to cook potatoes. But im not saying what im doing with my life is entirely goal oriented and pregressive. Its the opposite, its full of uselessness, but to me they dont seem useless because when i do them i forget about everything, it becomes blurry, I like blurry.

blurry is my home and im very territorial.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love your 'blog' title

enjoy the journey.