Friday, May 16, 2008

New Post, Old News

When I dont blog, its a good thing. a good sign. It means that things are acually going well in my life, or at least the dilluted plastic film that can be called my life. My University career is reaching its end and i still have the same anxieties and discontent that welcomed me on my first day. Im running on a tredmill - going nowhere - too exhausted to push the big red STOP button. Instead I run faster hoping it will all be over. Okok thats a bit dramatic but its how i feel sometimes - and is it gonna stop?

Surprise!!! A few big Fs were starring at me in the face yesterday when I went to look at my trainwreck of an audit. Im not an idiot, I just dont do the work, dont go to the exams. I have issues.

I don't care who reads this blog, or if anyone reads it at all. This is my therapy... my 4am words of wisdom so I can try and enjoy the sweet release of sleep.

I like the quietness of night, its here that i get to thinking, or maybe im just trying to avoid the dreadful coming of morning, where new expectations will become of me.

Fuck it all.

Im moving, to a new city. A new place, a new life. I need change, i crave it like an addiction. Life isnt good without change.

Well blah.

So much for a forced blog. Ill be back. Wow that was so Terminator of me.

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